Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Animals in the Road

An observation from India: of course there are cows in the road everywhere. The go where they want and sit where they want and shit where they want. When you look in their eyes they do seem like they have a soul. They are well cared for. In the city, you will see them eating from big piles of parsley. Most of the cows are not fat, like the ones raised on antibiotics and super feed in America. Instead they are lean, but not painfully skinny. The dogs of India seem tso think that they, too, are sacred when in fact they are not. First, I should note that dogs roam the streets everywhere in India. Invariably, these dogs are like 20th generation mutts. They stand and sit in the road without regard for traffic. They belong to no one and they are not sacred. However, in their mind, they are. Whereas, the cows carry a certain aura which is almost palpable, the dogs seem to be scurrying in restess suffering. But the dogs surely believe that they sacred. There are also pigs, water buffalo, lizards, monkeys and various birds crossing the road. To top it off, the traffic is crazy with vehicles going everywhere. In America, there is a pretty large amount of animals lying dead in the road. But in India, there is very little in the way of roadkill. From observing the drivers, it appears that they exert great efforts to avoid hitting an animal.

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